Welcome to the Hickstionary, a landing spot for all things H family.
I'm Heidi. He's Rusty. And together we have our beautiful babe, Beckett and a furry menace, Dakota.
I mostly use this space to brag about how awesome the kid is, whine about how naughty the dog is & share an occasional deep thought.
Thanks for hanging out with us as we figure out this [blessed] life!

If you are looking for my photography blog (where words don't tend to fall out of my mouth nearly as freely), visit {captured by} heidi.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

11 Months

Dear Beckett,

Holy Moly! You are 11 months old today!! In just one short month, you will be ONE YEAR OLD! I can hardly believe it.
You have grown so much in the last 11 months and you are learning new things every day.

Currently, you show off your smarty pants by:

-talking! you have lots of words that mama understands and even some that daddy understands (if daddy says it's easy to understand, we count it as a real word). Some of your words are: uh-oh-da (Dakota), daddy, mama, Heidi (which you use more often than mama), ill-luh-lee (Hillary), mo (more), yeah, no, hood (good), oh, hiiiii, hewwo (hello), and up.
-signing. You consistently sign 'more' when eating (you are a good little eater) and you've started doing night night (you do the sign for sleep). You try to sign 'all done' but you haven't quite perfected it.
-recognizing animals and making their sounds. Your favorites are dog, goat and pig. You are starting to pick out a few more though.

You are an observer, thinker, and doer. You love watching to see how things are done and I can just see your little mind at work. You'll even point your little pointer finger up to your face like you are thinking hard about it. After thinking about it a bit, you give it a try and often times you figure things out much faster than we'd like you to!

You favorite place is still home (you're a homebody just like mama) but we LOVE going to the Orchard. We have so much fun there. You've been at least once a week since opening day and every time we make a mandatory visit to the goats. You love feeding the goats and 'talking' to them. Your goat sound is more like a growl than a maaaaa but it is so darn cute. You also love to ride the pedal tractors while we are there. They have big ones that daddy can drive and you sit in his lap or stand on the frame and ride along with daddy. You especially love it when he lets you steer. Another favorite of your is watching the tractor at the orchard. You get so excited when you see it coming. We even got to watch the combines at the house this last week. You sat in your wagon while the workers across the street from our house worked in the field. You would get very excited and wave as they came near us and be disappointed and sit quietly waiting as they drove away from us. So much fun!

As far as moving- you are able to get around to pretty much every where you want to be. We have to keep the pantry door closed at all times because you love playing in Dakota's food and water dishes. You mastered climbing the stairs at 9 months old so we have a trunk we keep in front of the basement stairs as a 'baby gate.' You are cruising along the furniture and will go from one piece of furniture or stand up toy to another. You aren't walking but yesterday you started standing by yourself for a couple seconds at a time and today you got gutsy and let go of the couch while trying to walk to something else. We suspect you'll be walking all too soon but for now you have a little blue walker with wheels that you can push around and you love it. Dakota doesn't love it so much though when you try to chase him with it. :)

Before meal time, you like to close and blink your eyes while we pray (you like to check to see if mommy and daddy still have their eyes closed).

Your favorite foods right now are: grapes (cut in 4 sections), sweet potatoes (cubed and boiled), pasta, peas, Cheerios, yogurt, cucumber (cubed), and pretty much anything else put in front of you. Last night you stole the breadstick off of aunt Holly's plate at Olive Garden. You are a great little eater! I hope you'll always be as open to new foods as you are these days.

When meal time is over, you do your chores and clean your tray. It's pretty cute. :) (See video)

You are super busy these days but every once in awhile you'll still make time to stop and cuddle with your mama. You've recently started giving kisses to mama and daddy but you aren't real generous with them to others yet (that's okay!).

You are doing so many fun and cute things these days, I could write and write and write. I just love you to pieces, little guy!! You are the light of me and daddy's days. Love you so much!!! Happy 11 month birthday today little buddy!


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