Welcome to the Hickstionary, a landing spot for all things H family.
I'm Heidi. He's Rusty. And together we have our beautiful babe, Beckett and a furry menace, Dakota.
I mostly use this space to brag about how awesome the kid is, whine about how naughty the dog is & share an occasional deep thought.
Thanks for hanging out with us as we figure out this [blessed] life!

If you are looking for my photography blog (where words don't tend to fall out of my mouth nearly as freely), visit {captured by} heidi.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

ramblings about a baby bump

We're having a heat wave (if you consider 20s a heat wave), so instead of rushing into the house as fast as we could (the normal these days) after church, we snapped a quick belly pic. Even though my feet (and legs) were killing me after yesterday's Take Heart sessions, I wore cute shoes. I knew I'd be working in the nursery and could take them off for most of the morning. I didn't end up in the baby room. My toes were numb by the time we got home. (But the shoes were cute, no?)

Twenty nine (ish) weeks (thirty if you're into rounding). I still catch myself saying twenty weeks. But whose counting? (Or rather who has enough blood flow to their brain to keep track? Not me.)

I still stand by my baby poll vote of 10 weeks from today.

No vote on her size from me. I passed the glucose test by one point and they are keeping an eye on things so she doesn't get too big. My vote for labor is another easy labor (like B's) with about 2 hours LESS of pushing. That's not too ambitious is it?

I hear mixed reviews about the size of my belly these days. Honestly, it really depends on the way she's laying on any given day. Lately she's been into folding herself up into a ball and hanging out on one side of the belly. It's the weirdest feeling and looks quite odd.

She's busy growing. Still not head down but she's been thinking about it. She's in the rolling like crazy feels like an alien is in there stage. B gets a huge kick out of (get it?) feeling her kicks. She's much more of a mover and kicker (and boxer) than B ever was but she gets the hiccups less than he did. (I swear he had them at least five times a day. She's only had them once that I've noticed so far.) I think she'll have long little legs according to the stretches she does that make it look like her foot is going to literally tear through my belly and pop out the skin.

Big brother has been asking all kinds of questions about her lately. About what she will be like and look like. He says he would like for her to be brown like his friend. He says he really just wants a brown sister. We told him maybe some day via adoption but that sister in mommy's belly is probably going to look more like him or mommy or daddy. He's still praying for a brown sister.

He proudly tells everyone he meets that he has a little baby sister and he's so excited to be a big brother. I hope the enthusiasm sticks when she arrives. He says babies don't cry at our house. I hope he isn't too disappointed there. ;)

He wants to share everything with her. One of my co-teachers from Ames gave him a baby blanket with matching burp cloths when he was a baby. I pulled the burp cloths out last week and he insist this one is his baby sister's blankie (because it's just her size) and he loves that they match. He is looking for more ways to match her.

I realized we hadn't told him sister's middle name yet. When I told him he said, "OVEN!? That's not a very good name!" (For the record- her middle name isn't oven.)

I worked all day yesterday. When I finished he asked me to lay with him a bit before nap time. I said, "Oh did you miss mommy?" He said, "No, I just really missed my sister. I want her to stay and take a nap with me. Just her." I had to explain to him how she can't leave my body just yet. He didn't see why not.

We've made more progress in the nursery. The biggest projects left are the gallery wall and the closet door. We ended up just finding a rod in our basement to use for the closet so we didn't have to buy a closet system for her. We stuck a few storage bins in and I think it's good to go for awhile. I think the big things left on the list are a monitor, clothes and diapers. I'd like to make her a homemade quilt but since I still haven't finished B's yet I'm guessing that may not happen.

I can't make a complete sentence these days so I can't promise any of the above post makes any sense. In the last 24 hours alone I couldn't figure out how to spell fifth or very. (I wish I were kidding.) Thank God for spell check.

Happy Sunday.


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