At the summit, they (more than one speaker) shared a quote from a book (which I need to google) that stuck with me.
It was something along the lines of
'What if God's purpose of marriage wasn't to make you happy but to make you holy?'
I was totally convicted. Because I totally expect(ed) marriage to do that (the happy part).
R lucked out because it got him off the hook on a whole lot of stuff
but it also got me to thinking about other areas of life as well.
My relationships with others (family, friends, colleagues).
My work.
My daily routines.
How I spend my time.
Just life in general.
Maybe this pursuit of happyness (spelling error intended) should really be a pursuit of holiness.
And maybe I should stop looking to other things to fulfill me (marriage, parenting, work, friends, family, fun)
and just let Him.
(Just something I've been thinking about.)