Welcome to the Hickstionary, a landing spot for all things H family.
I'm Heidi. He's Rusty. And together we have our beautiful babe, Beckett and a furry menace, Dakota.
I mostly use this space to brag about how awesome the kid is, whine about how naughty the dog is & share an occasional deep thought.
Thanks for hanging out with us as we figure out this [blessed] life!

If you are looking for my photography blog (where words don't tend to fall out of my mouth nearly as freely), visit {captured by} heidi.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Late night random thoughts

B is at the most fun age right now. He says the most hilarious things and cracks us up several times a day. As silly as he is, he's also a thinker. As active as he is, he's also an observer. As wild as he is, he's also the sweetest, most tender hearted boy I know. Every day I wonder how we could possibly love him more and the next day we just do.

He's super into trains, trucks, planes, cars and Toy Story of Terror! (We've already watched it three times this week so we are well on our way to last years record of 1,392,673 times). We limit tv to before bedtime with daddy and sometimes before nap but a lot of days lately we've made it to the end of the day without a single screen time request (yay).

He loves to sing songs. His favorites are 'the spider song,' 'twinkle star song,' and 'little man song.' (Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Zacheus was a Wee Little Man.) He's been counting slightly more often but still only on his own accord. While he was once able to name every letter with his magnet letters, we added in some flash card letters and other letter games and the new looks of the letters have him totally confused. Turns out we shouldn't have learned letters with bubble letter shaped magnets. ;)

He loves story time, seeing his church friends and going to the orchard. He's super close to 100 parks (90 and counting). And he talks about his baby sister all the time. Today he hid under the blanket with my belly whispering to her and did not want me in on the secret. That may not be a great sign of what's to come. ;) His name ideas are donuts, apple (usable these days for sure), Mickey Mouse hicks, Donald duck hicks, Stella (his friend's baby sister's name) and Kristyn (another friend's mom's name). He has two other ideas that are actually on the list which kind of surprised me. Usually if I mention a name he says that's a dog name. :)

Speaking of baby sister, according to the app she is 6.25" long and the size of a russet potato. It's so strange to me how they compare their size to food each week and it generally just makes me hungry for food we don't have in the house. Speaking of food, I've been feeling a lot better this week and able to eat more often so that has been great.

Physically things are starting to feel a lot better. Emotionally I still have a good number of hot mess moments. I still get nervous about each appointment they are checking things on me at. My next one is next Wed if you feel like praying. We are having a hard time getting my thyroid where it needs to be and they are following up on another possible issue with me. I think the worst thing about what we went through last time is not being worried if baby will be okay but not trusting that my body will take care of baby. I really felt betrayed by my body and fight those feelings still.

It seems the enemy has enjoyed filling me with feelings of betrayal and rejection lately.

But God has more in store for me than that. As much as I've been hurt lately, we've had so much more good to thank Him for. We have some great people in our corner that are praying for and encouraging us every single day. I'm so thankful for them.

12:34. B just noticed the numbers on the ceiling from our newish clock tonight. I'm noticing them now too and well aware morning will come too soon. I'll leave the proof reading on this one up to you. Coming from the iphone, there's probably lots of mistakes for you to fix. We'll blame auto correct. ;)



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