I, in my somewhat drama free life (ha), would laugh to myself and think isn't it obvious what the common denominator there is? If drama is always following you, isn't it safe to assume that maybe you are the cause?
I also used to believe that a child's behavior was a clear reflection of their parents. Ha.
But really. Not so long ago I would have looked at a person who was having work issues, family issues, church issues, health issues, friendship issues, did I mention work and family issues, etc, etc, etc. and seen a very obvious common denominator- them.
Until that person was me. Moi. I.
(I take back what I said about a child's behavior- it's been a really long time since I've thought that!)
But really. Sometimes life happens. Sometimes it is so easy to focus on myself as the common denominator. It's so easy to focus on me. Moi. I. And my own desires.
My focus has been pretty fuzzy lately. He has been directing me down a very different path than what I ever expected. It's not always easy. In some ways its better than anything I could have planned for myself. But sometimes it's hard. Really. Really. Hard.
And sometimes. Sometimes I have to switch over to manual focus and direct my focus back to the True Common Denominator.