Welcome to the Hickstionary, a landing spot for all things H family.
I'm Heidi. He's Rusty. And together we have our beautiful babe, Beckett and a furry menace, Dakota.
I mostly use this space to brag about how awesome the kid is, whine about how naughty the dog is & share an occasional deep thought.
Thanks for hanging out with us as we figure out this [blessed] life!

If you are looking for my photography blog (where words don't tend to fall out of my mouth nearly as freely), visit {captured by} heidi.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Craft Room.

I know you can't tell but I haven't spent much time on the computer lately. (Nearly all of the last 10 posts were scheduled to auto publish- love that feature!)
I gave myself a mini-break in the photo schedule thinking I would need it to edit Vegas pictures. I was right- though I haven't done anything with Vegas (other than wedding) pictures yet!
Instead I've been crafting.
I've turned our guest bedroom into a craft zone. The bed is filled with fabrics and supplies. Morgan's table is a sewing machine desk. The book is case full of tools.
My husband thinks it's a (not so) subtle hint that I'd love to have the craft room in the basement completed. (He may be on to something....)
Currently, we are waiting on the electrician to work on the basement... if all goes as scheduled (ha!) our basement should be ready to use in early September! Craft room or no craft room- it's exciting!

So what have I been crafting?
Well besides the plethora of Ugly dolls, head bands, & fabric flowers (I'm still working on getting that 'tutorial' up, Amy!) my latest obsession craft are these little hats.

I'd been wanting some for photo props for a long time but I couldn't find any that I LOVED. And I couldn't even find any that I liked for a price I was willing to spend. I tried a couple times to set up a 'trade of services' type deal but they just didn't work out. Sooooo you know where I turn to when I'm too cheap to buy something (which is a lot). Yes- my 'craft room.' The flowers are all interchangeable.... but do you get the slightest feel for Fall or Christmas here? Yikes. I better go change them up! ;)

So now that I spent the time to make them... I'm sure you'll be able to tell me great places where I can buy these things for cheap. (By the way- don't, ha) But how about cute little boy accessories? Anyone know where I can find some cute (real) little boy ties and fun hats?


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