Election Season that is!
Okay... it's been awhile since I ran for anything and was begging for votes (since 4th grade actually) but since it's election season, I figured you wouldn't mind one more politician begging for your vote. (What's that? You do mind and would like to smack me right now... well good thing there's a computer screen between us I guess!)One of my favorite Southern Iowa treasures, the Harvest Barn, is having a contest. Harvest Barn friends uploaded their HB photos to facebook and the photo with the most votes (both in store this weekend and online throughout this next week) wins a HB gift card. I promise if I win the gift card that I'll use it to buy fudge and you can all come over to share it! :)
So go check out Harvest Barn and vote for your favorite* photo by clicking like (or if you are there this weekend- you can drop a pumpkin seed in for your favorite* photo and sample the praline fudge).
Happy Haunting... and Election Season! (And THANKS for the pity votes!) :)
*as long as your favorite is mine