Welcome to the Hickstionary, a landing spot for all things H family.
I'm Heidi. He's Rusty. And together we have our beautiful babe, Beckett and a furry menace, Dakota.
I mostly use this space to brag about how awesome the kid is, whine about how naughty the dog is & share an occasional deep thought.
Thanks for hanging out with us as we figure out this [blessed] life!

If you are looking for my photography blog (where words don't tend to fall out of my mouth nearly as freely), visit {captured by} heidi.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

TTMT | A Day in the Life

A day in the life. What's it like being you for a day? Try to take some pictures on the hour if you can. I did something similar with the 10 on 10 in March.

A typical day around here:
5:55 am: Wake up to pee. Again.
6:17 am: Finally turn off the alarm and roll out of bed. Assess the hair. If it's not too greasy, throw it up so it doesn't get wet in the shower and figure out some sort of braid thing to put it in to save myself from washing and drying it.
7:03 am: Grab something to eat and try to get out the door in the next 7 minutes.
7:30ish am: Show up at work in time to check email and figure out what's going on for the day.
8:00 am: Pretend to be a morning person as the 1st period students roll in. Whoever said being a teacher isn't that much different from being an actor on stage all day wasn't too far off.
9:58 am: Hang out with the homeroomers. Offer shoulders to cry on and kleenex as needed. Receive some of the best presents and hugs and love anyone could get. (They've even thrown parties for me. For me! I really love this part of my day. Most days.)
10:14 am: Snack. On anything in the fridge. (Which is right in my room- just a little perk of being the FCS teacher.)
10:53 am: More students. More class.
12:48 pm: Lunch time. Finally. Eating lunch (lovingly packed by R) at the desk while students come in to get caught up on work, finish labs, cry about life, or find something to eat because they forgot their lunch. Again. Duty free lunch is a novelty I rarely get but sometimes I just tell them my room is closed for lunch for the day. They usually get it.
1:15 pm: More class. Then study hall.
2:50 pm: Hand out snacks/groceries (isn't that a nice way of saying pawning off the healthy food R sent to school with me and cleaning out my fridge?).
3:15 pm: (I mean 3:20- Is it bad I've had this job for 5 years and just found out this week our contract time is to 3:20 instead of 3:15.... oops) Head out the door when possible.
That last one was a joke. Typically at 3:15 there are still students working (sewing) or there for after school club. Tuesdays/Thursdays club goes until at least 4. Wednesdays meetings are scheduled till 4:30. So somewhere after that I put the day away and get set up for the next day before heading home.
4:44 pm: Snack. On anything on the fridge (at home this time). Check mail. Take dog out (if R isn't home yet). Check in with R. Change clothes. Check email. Try to reply before realizing there are still 60+ new emails. Give up on email and get set up for the client about to show up at the door.
6:00 pm: Photo session.
7:45 pm: Dinner with R. (These days it's been made by R. Isn't he good?)
8:45 pm: Editing until I can't edit anymore.
10:30ish pm: Get ready for the next day and ready for bed to try to sleep before doing it all again.

Between teaching, after school club, cooking classes, {captured by} heidi, and Iowa State teacher ed I feel like I've spent the last couple years working non-stop. A pretty typical day in the life around here lately would be a 15+ hour work day. I miss my friends. And I really miss R. Soooooo..... even though I'm a little (or a lot, surprisingly) sad that today is the last day of school, I'm excited for summer vacation and I'm excited for the leave of absence that next school year brings for me to spend more time focusing on life around here. I will, without a doubt, miss my 8th graders and the teachers I've worked with at AMS but I know God has big plans for us this coming year and I'm excited to be doing something different for awhile.

And after all that I feel like there should be a disclaimer on this 'day in the life' that reflects my 'new' typical day (which will start next week!) which includes a little more sleeping in time, a lot more R time, and definitely some friend and family time. I can't wait! :) (Oh wait.... but that also means more housework, cooking, and grocery shopping time. Guess I'll take it!) ; )

So tell all! What's it like being you for a day!?!?


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