So why the change? Well I mentioned in some previous posts about why I blocked people from reading it. And I'm starting to think most of those things don't matter. Too much. The big reason though- my hard drive crashed and I was pretty sure all of B's pictures were gone for. ev .er. I kept scrolling through the hickstionary and revisting the few posts I had post B. I was so sad I hadn't blogged more of his life. What if those pictures were gone forever? What if our house burnt down and all his milestones disappeared in his baby book? I was SO sad.
So here it is. The hickstionary is back. And I am going to record B's life here. Some of it anyway. Because even though it's still his story to share.. if I die, if the baby book disappears, if the computer crashes.... he wont have those memories to share that part of his story. So here you go, B. This if for you. And your mama that doesn't ever want to forget how absolutely sweet and amazing you are. Right. Now.