Welcome to the Hickstionary, a landing spot for all things H family.
I'm Heidi. He's Rusty. And together we have our beautiful babe, Beckett and a furry menace, Dakota.
I mostly use this space to brag about how awesome the kid is, whine about how naughty the dog is & share an occasional deep thought.
Thanks for hanging out with us as we figure out this [blessed] life!

If you are looking for my photography blog (where words don't tend to fall out of my mouth nearly as freely), visit {captured by} heidi.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Not So Silent Night

Do you do Advent? We haven't in the past but we got a free reading plan in our mailbox so decided this was a great year to start. We started on day one (yesterday) and plan to do the readings throughout the advent season but a lot of the activities that came with the plan are for kids older than B so we came up with our own list. Here are some fun Christmas things we hope to do this month! (And many we'll do more than once!)

1. Visit Santa (we went to Bass Pro again)

2. Pick out a new Christmas book (we used gift cards from his birthday- thanks, Mal!)

3. Find Elf (B got a gift card for Elf on the Shelf. I had planned to just stick him on the shelf and forget about him until it was time to put the decorations away. That plan might get changed because every time B has went past the elf today he points to him and claps and claps.)

4. Make paper snowflakes and snowballs (B loves wadding up paper so we'll let him make some 'snowballs' and I'll make a couple snowflakes to put up with them so hopefully it wont look like we just hung garbage up in the window) ;)

5. Choose a friend from the local angel tree to shop for

6. Wrap presents (we might do this one after bedtime... or let him 'help' by wadding up paper again)

7. Christmas movie night (with popcorn and green & red M&Ms)

8. Christmas with the OK family (make gingerbread men!)

9. Make reindeer feet

10. Choose something from the 'serving friends' list to complete

11. Decorate cookies/make Christmas treats

12. Caroling (with cookies but maybe not so much singing)

13. Take a meal to someone

14. Sock snowball fight

15. Jolly Holiday Lights

16. Go out for breakfast

17. 'mistletoe' feet

18. Hot cocoa by the fire (straight from the 'north pole hot cocoa bar' of course)

19. Take Christmas pictures

20. Visit the library to read Christmas books

21. Take a treat to a neighbor we haven't met

22. Christmas at the cabins

23. Make Christmas ornaments

24. Read the Christmas story

25. 'camp out' under the Christmas tree (sleep in the living room)

We've gotten a start on #19... cant show you all of them because I don't want to give away the Christmas card pictures but here's a little sneak peek...

Silent night?? Maybe not. :)

And next year R (and apparently B) want to add a trip to the Christmas tree farm and chop down our tree to the list of Christmas festivities. B might need a bigger car though!


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