Welcome to the Hickstionary, a landing spot for all things H family.
I'm Heidi. He's Rusty. And together we have our beautiful babe, Beckett and a furry menace, Dakota.
I mostly use this space to brag about how awesome the kid is, whine about how naughty the dog is & share an occasional deep thought.
Thanks for hanging out with us as we figure out this [blessed] life!

If you are looking for my photography blog (where words don't tend to fall out of my mouth nearly as freely), visit {captured by} heidi.

Friday, January 31, 2014

My Intro to Essential Oils

As I'm sitting here drinking my lemon water and loving the smell of thieves in the air around me, I'm feeling unusually calm considering the day I had. It might (very likely) have something to do with the 'stress away' oil I slathered on my neck and wrists before heading downstairs to work.

And then I totally realized I MUST share this with you guys!

Essential Oils. Have you heard of them? By nature, I'm a total skeptic. Take the amber necklace. We (mostly Rusty, but me too) thought it was so hokey but we knew it wouldn't hurt anything so we tried it. It didn't take long to convince us it was money. So you would think when I started having friends tell me over and over again about essential oils that I would pay attention. I'm a slow learner.

Fast forward....  I had a few health issues and a sleeping problem. Taking somewhere around 10 pills a day didn't leave me feeling the greatest about my current approach so I wanted to learn more. I asked my friend to host a workshop to teach me (cause every one I could find anywhere near me didn't work with my schedule). But I got anxious and couldn't wait so I ordered the premium starter kit.

It showed up with a bunch of oils, a home diffuser and some other stuff. I started googling 'essential oils for sleep,' 'essential oils for cramping,' 'essential oils for pain,' 'essential oils for headache,' and well, you get the idea. Amazingly everything I needed was right there in my starter kit. I started diffusing the oils in our home and started rubbing them on my feet and shoulders (then later wrists and neck and temples too). I immediately noticed a difference. As in (other than my daily thyroid medicine) I haven't taken a single pill since the oils came into our home. Not only that, but the oils for pain worked faster (immediately) and better than the pain meds I had been taking. I was already a believer! It didn't take long to convince Rusty to let me try some on him as well and they worked like magic. It took me a little longer to decide to try them on Beckett but the day he was crying in pain saying 'owie' all day, I decided it was time. I rubbed the 'pan away' for growing pains on his legs and he immediately calmed down and I could see the pain leave his face. He kept asking for, 'more, more please.' And I was hooked.

The kit I talked about above is $150 but it's SO worth it. We decided between the pills we were ditching this month alone, we were saving $50. I'd much rather be investing in a natural remedy than pills I'm afraid to overuse. (Also, I've since found out that if just three people sign up under you, you can essentially be paid back... email me and I can get you more details on that too!)

This is kind of starting to sound like an infomercial. I'll stop there but wanted to share some links here with you.

For more information about the oils you can check out Essential Oils Testimonials.

For more information about the Young Living products you can visit their website.

To order any products, my local friends can email me directly and I can order them for you at my 24% discount.

If there's something you are wanting to try, let me know. I have a few sample packs I can share. (I don't have many and don't plan to buy anymore since I'm not selling it to make money but I can definitely share what I have!)

If you want your own 24% discount and the kit I talked about above you can sign up to be a wholesale member (and distributor) by:

1. Go to the signup page: https://www.youngliving.com/signup/
2. Select 'wholesale member'
3. In sponsor ID and enroller ID enter: 1618387
4. Under Step 2, choose the Premium Starter Kit ($150).  (There's also an option for Essential Rewards. I chose to skip that because I have no plans of selling YL to make money but if it's something you are interested in, I can try to help you find out more about it.)

And do let me know if you have any questions! I've started a facebook group for those of you that sign up with my number to be a distributor where we have shared some documents and other great resources that are super helpful. I'll get an email once you're a distributor and I can add you to the group from there.

I'm SO excited to hear how you use and love the oils too!!


I've had several questions about how we use the oils. Like I said above, we haven't had them a terribly long time but here are some ways we've used them:

Diffusing: The diffuser is one of my fave, fave things! I've been diffusing a lot of purification (to clean the air/get the stink out) and thieves (which kills germs- we have a lot of people in/out of our house throughout the week so this helps keep all the gunk out). I also may have diffused lemon on cleaning day when I didn't actually get around to cleaning... (at least it smelled clean in here!).

R: He's used the thieves on his chest/back/feet and it worked wonders on his cough. We ran out and a few days later his cough came back. We have thieves and RC on order now and they can't come soon enough! I've rubbed some of the stress away/peace & calming on him at night. I can't tell if he just likes the massage or the oils but he is sleeping much better (as in he's not snoring and not waking me up).

B: As I mentioned above, we used the pan away for growing pains. He loves it and will ask for it if he feels achy. He had tonsillitis (before I was using the oils on him) and I've used some thieves on him for that. He bounced back after getting one night's sleep and some oils. I've used the lavender (on his pillow) before bed and he sleeps so good with it. (Unfortunately for me, since he sleeps so good, he's skipped naps those days.) He's been waking up and asking for oils on his feet so I've been using lemon when he asks (and doesn't have any noticeable 'need' for anything.) I may switch this out for thieves (immune booster) when that comes in.

H: I've been using the peace & calming or lavender to help with sleep. (The peace and calming seems to work better for me.) Pan away on aches and pains. Peppermint for head aches (it's amazing how fast this one works). Stress away on my neck and shoulders when I've been sitting at the computer too long and just generally feel stressed, lavender on a cut (more like a hole) that I've had on my finger for months (again, I'm shocked how fast it works). Lemon in my drinking water (use glass... not plastic). And last night I put valor on my feet before bed to boost my mood. I did wake up happier this am so maybe it's working too?

I'm sure our list is longer but these are the main things that stand out. Basically, our oils have replaced all our pain killers/meds we would normally be taking otherwise. One of the gals that did the workshop here said she took everything out of her medicine cabinet and placed the oils in their place. We haven't done that yet but we are totally getting there!


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