"wish I could knock that girl out. If only I wasn't pregnant."
Uh. Excuse me?
Once I picked my jaw up off my keyboard, I was pretty offended by it. I mean, I can (barely) take the complaints about nausea and bratty kids and needing a break from all those bratty kids that made them nauseated for 9 months. But wishing you weren't pregnant so you could knock someone out. Really?
Then quickly, I was reminded of how often I've complained about my job. About my dirty house. About my burnt dinner. About my annoying amazing husband.
How many people do those complaints kick right in the stomach? The unemployed. The homeless. The hungry. The widow. And the list of people I've offended is as long as that list of complaints.
"When you feel like complaining, it's God inviting you to give thanks."
That's the quote I read on my work computer. I guess I need to post it in a few more places.
Starting with facebook.