Okay. I thought I may become a little obsessed with my new camera.
But I'm not so much.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my camera. And I do take pictures every day. In fact, there are weeks that I take hundreds of pictures of pretty much nothing. But that's not what I'm obsessed with right now.
Turns out I'm obsessed with photoshop instead.
Yup. I have no clue (okay, maybe just an eensy clue) of how to use it.
But I love it.
Actually. The truth is tonight is the first night I've actually used it to edit photos (as opposed to digiscrapping).
But I love it.
And I may have not actually done any editing myself, but rather clicked an action button and let that do all the work.
But I still love it.
Seriously, check out just a few of the simple actions you can do with it. The ones I applied here are free from Pioneer Woman. The first photo is SOOC/unedited. (I probably could have magic brushed his darling little cheek but I didn't.)
But seriously. Look at what you can do just by clicking one button.
Don't you just love it? Okay, I realize his eyes are easy on the camera and that helps. But seriously.
The day after I posted this, I was on Pixel Perfect and saw she had a blog hop going for edited pictures. I linked up to it because I love seeing all the different editing styles. You can check them out here.