Welcome to the Hickstionary, a landing spot for all things H family.
I'm Heidi. He's Rusty. And together we have our beautiful babe, Beckett and a furry menace, Dakota.
I mostly use this space to brag about how awesome the kid is, whine about how naughty the dog is & share an occasional deep thought.
Thanks for hanging out with us as we figure out this [blessed] life!

If you are looking for my photography blog (where words don't tend to fall out of my mouth nearly as freely), visit {captured by} heidi.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


We have been blessed beyond measure around here! We have had so many people love on us and Baby H. I started working on a gear post because a few people have asked for updates on what we decided to go with and I was so humbled adding all of our baby gear to the list. Literally almost everything on that list has been gifted to us. I really don't even have words to tell you how blessed we feel. I sit in Baby H's room and look around and I'm surrounded by gifts from people that love us. I sit at my breakfast table and look at my sparkling kitchen, done by a friend that came to deep clean our house for us. I pull out diapers to stock the dresser drawer with, diapers that had been passed on by a friend whose baby had outgrown them. I emailed my cousin to ask her opinion on baby books (because I JUST realized that might be something we want) and she said she already had one for us.

We. are. so. Blessed.

So when people have been asking me lately what we need. I really tell them NOTHING! I really think people have thought of everything that we may need and they've provided it.

But since everyone keeps asking, there are a few little things that I 'need' your help with. Advice welcomed.

1. What nursing clothes did you like? I purchased one tank from Motherhood. I am thinking I may like the clip down version better though? How many nursing tops do I really need? What worked for you?

2. How many newborn clothes does a baby really need? Did you buy a bunch only for your baby to never wear them? Did you not buy enough and was your little one in them longer than you expected? In newborn size, our little guy has 1 outfit, 3 sleepers, 3 onesies and 3 pants (and a coming home outfit). Should we get more or wait to see how big (or little) he is when he arrives?

3. Same question on the newborn diapers... We have one package of newborn diapers (but more in size 1). Should we get more? Should we wait and see? And while we're talking diapers, besides diapers.com, where do you find them to be the cheapest?

4. Did you take you iPod to the hospital? Have any good recommendations for the playlist for me?

5. Where did you find 0-3 pants? I've looked all over for 0-3 jeans (that aren't $20 or more. yikes.) and have purchased just one pair. I thought I could get away with baby legs but those are hard to find in the boy styles too (he has white, green and grey polka dot baby legs but they are all bigger so I'm not sure they'll fit him at 0-3). He got some really cute sweaters as gifts and (his mom thinks) he 'needs' jeans to match. I keep checking our consignment store but am not coming up with anything there. Am I the only one that thinks baby jeans are too expensive?
(I should probably clarify that I'm looking for boy jeans. I can find lots of cute girl jeans out there!) :)

6. Did you sign up for Rewards 'R Us? Did you ever get your rewards? It says we earned some last quarter but we never got them. Do I need to do something to actually get them this time? This is probably the biggest one we'll ever get from them so I hate to miss out on it!

7. Do you think I can get away with a 'reversible' birth announcement/Christmas card? The chances of me getting both out this year are slim so I'm thinking I may just do a Christmas card on one side and a birth announcement on the other. Dumb? Genius? What do you think?

Anyway, all that to say, I don't really know that there's anything left we really 'need.' But maybe you can come do inventory for me and let me know what I'm missing!


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